Gap Year Interns

Grace Medical Home is currently accepting 2025-2026 applications for the year-long, volunteer (unpaid) clinical internships in our distinct medical practice. Interns are exposed to all aspects of patient care, learn medical terminology and experience hands-on learning opportunities alongside Grace Medical Home’s staff and volunteers in a unique, supportive, and caring environment. Interns have meaningful patient interactions while practicing essential skills and gaining experiences to equip them for their future healthcare careers. The internship is intended for college graduates taking a year off before pursing an advanced degree in medicine or another health-related field. Ignite your calling to serve as a Gap Year Intern at Grace.

Interns Serve in Key, Primary Roles
All positions include face-to-face patient contact.

Care Coordination Intern - A pioneering role that coordinates patient care before and after their visit by managing referrals, imaging studies, and more. Serves as an advocate for those who are not part of the healthcare system.

Scribe/Care Manager Intern - Assists staff and volunteer providers by charting during all medical appointments. Works closely with providers to document patient health history to ensure patients receive high-quality care.

Medication Manager Intern - Assists staff and volunteer providers in delivering and managing patient medications. Assists staff and volunteer physicians with overall patient care management and patient documentation through appropriate charting and organizing of the medication storage room, as well as navigating QS1, our medication inventory system. Opportunity to learn extensively about pharmacology.

More detailed job descriptions may be found here

Internship Requirements and Expectations may be found here.

Gap Year Intern Program Sponsor

Current and former Gap Year Interns cite their experience at Grace as formative in the pursuit of a career in healthcare:

“Everyone is constantly willing to teach. I came with no prior medical scribing experience and was embraced and graciously taught each step. The providers go above and beyond daily to explain diagnoses and treatment plans. More importantly, the servant-hearted individuals at Grace became a part of my support team during the medical school application process.” Abby, medical school student

“Grace is an amazing experience. Grace prepared me for taking care of people from different cultural backgrounds with limited access to medical care. It made me a better human and a better doctor.”        Ryan, MD, Nephrologist

 “I felt Grace showed me how to see the patient as a whole. The staff at Grace was patient and diligent to further my learning. Grace taught me how to educate and empower patients.” Alice, Physician Assistant

Communications Intern

Grace is seeking a Communications Intern to assist in design and implementation of Grace’s marketing and communications initiatives. Click here for the job description.

HSA Intern

We have reached capacity for our limited number of HSA Intern applications for Spring 2025. If we have additional HSA Intern needs, we will reopen the application process.

Spiritual Care/Pastoral Ministry Intern

Great opportunity for those who have a heart for others and are experienced in ministry or service. Click here for the job description.

Summer Interns

We have filled the limited number of openings for 2025 Summer Interns. We may reopen applications if the need arises for additional summer interns. Otherwise, keep an eye out for 2026 Summer Intern applications to open in February 2026.

Volunteers are needed throughout the year. Check out other available positions and shifts here.