From Anxious to Confident

Annette Opio has battled courageously with anxiety and depression for years. After moving across the country to Florida as a single mom, she faced increasing adversity. Annette sought out medical intervention but was told that there was nothing wrong with her. In between working and taking care of her family at home, the anguish worsened. Annette continued to seek help at a community clinic, but she was unable to get answers, nor did she feel cared for.

At an employee meeting at Annette’s job, she learned about the services provided by Grace Medical Home. She was so encouraged to hear how Grace specifically helps those in need of medical assistance and have financial and social barriers, making it difficult to receive quality care. Annette took home a Grace information pamphlet and eagerly called on her day off. On Grace’s registration day, Annette was welcomed with smiles and a warm embrace in the hospitable atmosphere.

At Annette’s first appointment at Grace in 2016, she began to recall the discouraging experiences she’s had at previous clinics. However, this visit was different. “When I met my nurse practitioner, I was relieved that she spoke to me with care,” Annette stated. Annette emphasized her state of shock as her nurse practitioner at the time, Ashley Kelly, genuinely wanted to learn about her so that she could provide the best care. Annette shared that being able to express what she had been feeling was like “breathing for the first time.” From that moment, Annette finally felt seen as a person with value rather than just a patient with needs.

After coming to Grace, Annette found consistent comfort in telling her previous nurse practitioner, Silvia Bozeman, and now her current provider, Dr. Sherry Brooks, about herself and her unique circumstances. Finally, she was able to receive a clear diagnosis and plan to relieve her ongoing pain. Additionally, Annette is much more confident today because of the mental health services that Grace provides. She is grateful for every member of Grace that has greeted her, made her feel comfortable, and shared resources to help her cope with her past experiences including the “wonderful” interns and receptionists at the front desk. Annette is thankful for all the individuals that serve inside of Grace but especially Dr. Brooks, who prays with her during appointments and Pastor Omar, who also offers prayers to all patients throughout Grace. “If you’re thinking of coming to Grace, just know that you are coming into a family that will make sure you are well taken care of in every way,” said Annette.

Now, Annette can confidently come to Grace, knowing she will be cared for by every staff member and volunteer. “To everyone who contributes,” shared Annette, “thank you for growing such a wonderful place for those who are lost in so many ways. Thank you for giving me a place to talk about my weary bones and not judge me for it… I found you by the grace of God and the grace of God found me there.”