Perez Arcila Family's Story

Coming to Grace Medical Home, the Perez Arcila family was lost, alone and desperate.

Their youngest daughter, Isabella was born with a very rare disease and their home country of Venezuela did not have the resources or treatment options available to help her.  Her mother, Dayana knew that she needed better care and would stop at nothing until she received it.

“I had never before seen my daughter smile.” – Dayana

They abandoned their home in search of help and finding Grace Medical Home was an answer to prayer.

Isabella’s mother walked into Grace’s lobby one day and simply would not take no for answer. She had come to us for help, to provide her daughter with a chance to survive and she was not leaving until Isabella was given the care she so desperately needed. Our team immediately realized the severity of the situation and pulled all resources to get this little girl the care she deserved.

After being patients of Grace for six months, “My daughter smiled for the first time”.  

The Perez Arcilla family’s story has come full circle as the father, an engineer by trade, has now gained employment and they are on track to obtaining their own private health insurance. This does mean the family will be relocating out of state, and while we already miss them dearly, our Grace family is so happy for their success.