Suzanne's Story

Because of God and Grace Medical Home, I am a “success story.”

"When I first entered the doors of Grace Medical Home two and a half years ago, I was in desperate need of help dealing with a chronic, very painful autoimmune disease. The agonizing pain was unbearable. I had received treatment at an emergency care facility and began to look for long-term care."

I made the call to Grace and the rest, as they say, is history.

"Though I am still in the midst of conquering this disease, I am fully confident, comfortable and content with the overall personal care I receive at Grace Medical Home."

While God is radically changing hearts, He’s using Grace to radically change lives. I am a testimony to both.

"I actually tear up sometimes when I talk about Grace and what it has meant, and still means, to me. They are undoubtedly a gift from God and I am far beyond just thankful for them."