Grace Stories

Welcome Dr. Bijan, Volunteer Co-Director of Grace's Dental Center

Dr. Bijan Hakimian is no stranger to volunteering at Grace Medical Home. In fact, his arrival at Grace Medical Home is more of a homecoming.

While receiving his undergraduate degree at the University of Central Florida, Dr. Bijan was an active member of UCF Pre-Dental Student Association (PDSA) and served on the Executive Board as Secretary for the club. As a Pre-Dental Student, he volunteered at Harvest Time International and AdventHealth where Michelle Lawton, Grace’s Director of Dental Center Operations, helped create their dental programs. He kept in touch with Michelle , while attending dental school. When he returned to Orlando as a licensed provider, it was only natural that he came to Grace as a volunteer provider.

Pain Free at Last!

Lorenza Rodriguez had suffered with trigeminal neuralgia for over 20 years. Trigeminal Neuralgia is a severely painful condition of the facial nerve which spreads across the cheeks, jaw, lips, and nose. It causes electrical shock type of pain with talking, eating, or brushing your teeth; even the wind or AC blowing on your face is painful. It can be so bad that there are reported suicides due to this excruciatingly painful condition.

Honoring Volunteers & Partners by Celebrating Milestones

Restoring our patients’ health and hope is a daunting task. One that we don’t take lightly and one that we can’t undertake by ourselves. We couldn’t do what we do without our valued volunteers and community partners. We recently honored these special friends at an Open House that also hosted two milestone ribbon cuttings for Grace Wellness Home and our Mobile Medical Unit.

Finding Hope and Healing Through Worship

Grace Medical Home's annual Patient Worship Service stands as a beacon of light in a world often shrouded in darkness. It is a place where the broken find healing, the weary find rest, and the lost find hope. Through prayer, praise, and testimonies of faith, lives are touched, hearts are renewed, and miracles unfold. In this sacred space, the journey from illness to wholeness is not merely physical but spiritual, as patients discover that true healing begins with a surrendered heart and a steadfast trust in the Lord.

Construction Begins on Grace Wellness Home

Construction is underway for Grace Wellness Home to expand mental health and wellness initiatives for the uninsured. In addition to addressing patients’ physical, emotional, social and spiritual health, Grace will focus on individualized plans to improve wellness. Educating and equipping patients with additional wellness tools and developing new skills will further reduce stress, improve health outcomes and strengthen patients’ resilience.

Grace Wellness Home Kicks-off Construction

Grace Medical Home celebrated a significant step in expanding whole-person care initiatives for the uninsured by kicking-off construction on Grace Wellness Home. Community partners, dedicated board, staff and volunteers to joined us to recognize and thank our community partners who invested a collective $1,126,500 to purchase, renovate, staff and furnish Grace Wellness Home.

Help Celebrate Grace Medical Home's 13th Birthday!

Have you ever stopped to think about the impact and importance of celebrating your birthday with the ones you love? As we grow older, sometimes the excitement of celebrating birthdays can fade. Imagine celebrating your birthday like you’re seven years old again. Full of joy, excited for the year ahead, doing something you love with the ones who make you smile. Leah’s* birthday celebration reminded me to fully embrace and celebrate each birthday, and every day in between. Every day and every year are gifts!

Ann-Marie Cools: Flavoring Lives at Grace

Ann-Marie Cools, Grace’s new Community Nutritionist, first learned about the job opening from her sister, Samantha Cools Bermudez, our staff attorney with Medical Legal Partnership. “She spoke so highly of her experience with the Grace team and patients, that I was eager to apply,” recalls Ann-Marie. “It was divine timing as I had just moved back to Orlando.”

 Ann-Marie’s interest in nutrition developed at a young age due to her severe allergies. “I remember how much time and energy it took for my parents to find nutritious foods and therapies that helped alleviate my ailments,” shared Ann-Marie. “Thankfully, I come from a family of great cooks who like to experiment with a variety of ingredients.”

 While studying dietetics and nutrition at Florida International University, she learned there are a multitude of ways to create a balanced lifestyle and that “one size does not fit all.” “I began to appreciate how healthy food choices make a huge impact on people’s lives,” Ann-Marie said.

 “As a nutritionist/dietitian, we’re often labelled as the ‘food police,’” Ann-Marie said. “Many think our food preferences are boiled chicken, carrots and salad - all bland and unappealing. Healthy food doesn’t have to be boring or bland. It’s a great way to experiment with fresh ingredients and different flavors.”

 “What I love most about nutrition is being able to spread messages that inspire people to feel as good as they can through food, and how to achieve that in a sustainable way,” Ann-Marie concluded.

National Grant Generates Important Quality Improvement Initiative

Grace Medical Home has been chosen by the Americares Foundation, Inc. as one of only nine clinic recipients of their Roadmap Addressing Disparities in Health Outcomes quality improvement grant.

“Grace Medical Home continually strives to improve our clinical operations with a proven track record of success,” said Stephanie Garris, Grace’s CEO. “This $30,000 grant will be a driving force to undertake a new quality improvement initiative focusing on Diabetes, particularly poor control of Hemoglobin A1C. While we review this outcome annually, we have never stratified the data to identify racial or ethnic disparities, until now. The data shows that our African American patients face a disparity in controlling or preventing diabetes. This grant will provide the resources and incentives to undertake an initiative to address this disparity.”

Specifically, the data shows that diabetic African Americans have a greater likelihood of having poor diabetes control (an A1C greater than 9%), with 29% of African Americans in this category, compared with 21% poor control of our Hispanic patients and 23% of our white patients. Our clinicians prefer our diabetic patients to be in the 7.0 to 8.9 range, so that is the goal for improvement as we work to eliminate this disparity. Additionally, African-American patients have pre-diabetes at disparately high rates. In a large sample of our adult patients who are not diagnosed with diabetes, 35% had A1c results in the pre-diabetic range. Unfortunately, a higher percentage of African American patients in this sample with 44% in the pre-diabetic range.

 Targeted intervention with our diabetic and prediabetic African American patients will include a multidisciplinary team, led by our staff nutritionist, Ann Marie Cools, who has extensive knowledge in providing nutrition education in culturally-sensitive ways, Dr. Sherry Brooks, Medical Director, Dr. John Sanderson, Assistant Medical Director, Stephanie Garris, Chief Executive Officer, Nirvana Muniz, Director of Behavioral Health, and Sara Sullivan, Data and Evaluations consultant.

Dan The Man Navigates With Grace

Volunteer Navigator, Dan Jeffers, interacts with patients at Grace.

Nearly every Wednesday, following devotion at Grace, shouts of “Dan The Man” echo throughout the Welcome Room. Staff and visitors alike recognize and thank a mainstay at Grace – Volunteer Navigator, Dan Jeffers, affectionately known as “Dan The Man.”

Upon retirement from a 35-year career in medical sales, Dan was looking for a volunteer opportunity to serve others. He learned about Grace from Trustee Rick Fletcher’s daughter, Arden Magee, in October 2019 and he has been volunteering consistently ever since.

Though his official volunteer role is as a Navigator, cheerfully escorting patients to the appropriate area in our facility, he willingly wears many hats. From serving as a “roadie” assisting fellow volunteer, Dr. John Fleming, by setting up Dr. Fleming’s keyboard on days he provides musical accompaniment, to serving as joke translator for Pastor Omar, part-time baby rocker and upstairs coffee maker, he lends a hand wherever and whenever he is needed. “I really enjoy making our patients smile or laugh, especially the little ones,” said Dan.

Dan shared, “This place is such a soothing place. I am amazed at the incredible compassion, respect, and heart that the entire staff show towards our patients. Grace is an incredible community, everyone in the building conveys God’s positive spirit. I have never experienced a kinder, more positive environment than Grace’s.”

If you are here on Wednesday mornings, join in our celebration and appreciation of Dan The Man.

Grace Medical Home Awarded $75,000 Grant to Address Mental Health Needs

Grace Medical Home was honored by Teva Pharmaceuticals, the National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics (NAFC) and Direct Relief at the NAFC 2022 Charitable Health Care Symposium in Indianapolis, IN.

Grace Medical Home was among 11 free and charitable clinics across California, Florida, and New Jersey that earned a $75,000 award to address mental health needs through Community Routes: Access to Mental Health Care. Community Routes: Access to Mental Healthcare, a partnership between Direct Relief, the National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics, and Teva Pharmaceuticals, provides awards to support clinics expanding access to mental health services across three states.